
SKU: 11f86dbbbad9


ECLIPSES HARD| Essential Chips by Adam Ondra. The «hardest» version of this series of sloppy crimps. 24 holds in total, 12 for hands + 12 for very for very smooth and challenging-to-crimp footholds.

Highly technical holds, designed to be used on the surface of the volumes or as very difficult footholds. The use of Hard Eclipses as handholds with using volumes is only possible in slabby or vertical terrain.

When Adam Ondra thought of these holds to complement the wooden volumes, his main objective was that they would be comfortable, they would allow you to squeeze hard, and you could go for them without fear of injury. Another crucial objective was to offer a wide range of similar holds with slight variations in size and height between them, allowing for precise adjustments in route difficulty, if needed. All of these features make them an incredibly versatile tool for route setters.

They are clearly divided into two categories – the 12 largest holds are size S, intended for hands, and the 12 smallest are size XS-XXS holds, designed for highly technical foot placements. Additionally, there are 6 different sizes and heights, as well as two types of DUALTEX texture for each size.

In the first type, the DUALTEX version occupies 70% of the hold, turning them into authentic elements of torture for climbers while delighting the route setters as it enables them to adjust the difficulty according to their wishes. When the DUALTEX part of the hold is turned upwards, it is an extremely challenging foothold where you need to aim your foot very precisely, just on the border between the DUALTEX and friction part.

In the second type of DUALTEX, the shiny part occupies only 30% of the holds, making them more versatile, although it also prevents the climber’s thumb from pinching. As a foothold, it is very challenging as you need to aim your foot very close to the wall. If you fail in your precision, it can easily punish you with slipping.

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